Digital Solutions for Herd Monitoring Brought to you by Connecterra and ABS Global

ABS Global is excited to highlight our partnership with Connecterra to bring digital solutions for herd monitoring to our dairy customers. Connecterra is a Netherlands-based company with a passion for assisting the agricultural community in becoming more efficient through technology. Their mission is “to empower farmers of all sizes to increase productivity of their farms, while reducing the impact of farming on the planet.” This directly aligns with our tagline of Profiting from Genetic Progress and our corporate responsibility to respect the environment in the global communities in which we operate in.  

The ABS Global and Connecterra partnership allows our dairy customers to implement the Ida (Intelligent Dairy Assistant) enterprise platform in their systems. With Ida, dairies will be enabled to make more informed decisions, save time and money, and increase their productivity.  

Connecterra has set a new standard for dairy cattle monitoring and on-farm data analytics with Ida. This system compiles behavior data collected through their proprietary neck collar- mounted sensors, data collected from dairy management software systems like BoviSync, and personal on-farm feedback. Based on the data collected, Ida can then provide personalized improvement suggestions to consider, spot fertility issues, or assist in decision making by understanding the impact of potential operational changes. 

Want to know how Ida will assist you on your dairy? Watch this video.   

Now that we have you thinking. What are the benefits to employing Ida? 

  • Increase heat detection up to 20% and pregnancy rates as much as 15 points 
  • Reduce hormone use and multiple timed AI programs through increased pregnancy rates 
  • Detect health issues 1-2 days earlier, reducing antibiotic use by up to 60% 
  • Reduce labor hours  
  • Better understand the impact of changes you make to your farm 
  • Improve collaboration with your team and advisors 

Let Ida do the hard work for you so you can make the best decisions for fertility, health, and animal welfare on your dairy.  

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